Some random facts about me.
Oh joy.
1-I'm moving. I'm kinda sad. =/
2-I currently have $13 to my name.
This is the most I've had in a while.
3-Youtube videos are SERIOUSLY very informative.
Now that I think of it, if I didn't have the internet I'd probably be dumb as shit.
It's way more entertaining than a teacher. Plus, it doesn't ramble on about useless junk :D
4-I have to pack... but I'm lazyyyyyy. bleh.
5-I'm dying for some fucking subway right now.
6-Czer's gonna be in my city tomorrow, yay! Hopefully I see his dumb ass.
7-I like my thighs.
8-I sometimes wish I was a kid again. I would do so many things over.
But everything happens for a reason. So I guess I'll leave things as is.
9-Seriously, if I don't fucking go shopping soon... I'm gonna fucking hyperventilate and who knows what will happen then.
10-I could fucking watch movies for an entire day.
For example, today I saw like a shitload of horror movies.
Maybe like one or two comedies aswell, don't really remember.
Anyway, I'm about to watch 'The Unborn'.
So I guess I'll get back to this later.
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