Saturday, July 25, 2009

I must suck at life.

a list of things I haven't seen/done:

-I've never seen THE NOTEBOOK ._. I saw it the other day. Finally. :D
-I've never ridden a bike.
-I've never learned how to swim, and I'm Hispanic. I know right?
-I've never tasted lobster. Looks so delicious in pictures :/
-I've never been to Hershey Park when I lived 30 minutes away at one point.
-I've never been out of state, besides new york and P.A.
Oh and D.R. But that's out the country.
Actually scratch that one, I'm making no sense.
-I've never seen Twilight.
-I've never tasted Ben and Jerry's ever so popular ice-cream :|
-Oh, and I've never had cookie dough.
-I've never been to a concert :(
-I've never had any cool family members that spoil me rotten
and make me feel all special and such.
-I've never been on a boat.
-I've never 'treated' myself with something expensive.
-I've never had Twix, the commercials make me want to try it.
-I've never been to a club in which people"18 + older" could only get in.
Correction. I went to one on friday. yay me! :]

I've been 18 for almost 6 months now. -_-
-I still haven't gotten my state I.D, because I'm so fucking broke.
That's sad. It's like $20.
-I've never been ice skating/rollerblading.
-I've never seen an episode of Grey's Anatomy.

There's probably more but I can't think of any at the moment.