Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Fuck, I can't concentrate for shit.

Okay, so look, my dickwad of a landlord made me give her my cable box the other day and her husband is coming tomorrow for my modem.
So no tv, no internet, and no phone.
What the fuck will I do with myself you ask?
I don't know.
Borrow my bro's dvd's to keep me busy... Uhhhh, Clean? Na, scratch that. Everything right now has a time limit and things are getting pretty hectic because of the immediate move.

But anyways, back to me needing to concentrate.
Btw, I don't know why I always drift off into other conversations. I wonder if it's annoying to others.
Oh yeah, anyway, since things are pretty quiet here I've decided to try to attempt to get back into the whole song writing thing. Honestly, I've only written two songs in my life, and I was like 16 at the time. So it's safe to assume that this is pretty difficult. But I give up on everything I start and I hate it, so I will try to finish it.

On another note, I hope all these obstacles that I'm currently going through is worth it in the end, otherwise it'll just be more chaos in my life that I have to fix.