Saturday, May 30, 2009

I'm stuck on forever

when it should've been never.
Child, you're so foolish.
There ain't no way you can do this.
You watch em' go.. and think to yourself 'why can't I do the same?'
you're not a replica of the conformed.
'In, that case
I shouldn't feel any shame'.
Day by day....
by day by day
all hope gets lost
and doesnt seem to find it's way.
'listen to me sweetheart.
it'll all be okay.'
those words now seem to lose their meaning
when all I hear now
is simply demeaning.
We cannot choose what life brings us
but we can alter them by decision.
Because now..
there's a division
caused by a collision
in which I am losing my vision.
And I can't function.
So now,
I must progress.
But my dear..
I must confess.

I'm stuck on forever..