Monday, April 20, 2009

Regarding the previous post..

I just watched a 26 minute clip of Persia White on The Gregory Mantell show, it was definitly a real eye-opener. I've never gone into the animal rights subject before just because it's such a touchy topic...but I will now. Before anything do not think I'm about to preach to you DO NOT EAT MEAT, blah blah blah, NO. Cause if I told you I thought that was wrong, I would be a hypocrite.I eat meat, yes. BUT Persia made a valid point... the way they are slaughtering these animals is inhumane and I support her views on that just because she's not pressuring you to be a vegan, but just pointing out the WAY it is handled just isn't right.

Another thing.
The video that was posted previously I believe was pure genius. Just because it was so raw and straight-foward. Yet again, let me point out to you I'm not the type to get in your face about my opinion on something. I have my beliefs and you have yours, I will not try to MAKE you do something just because I believe it's wrong, no. This is just my opinion. Back to the video, it was about 30 seconds and that alone brought to my perspective that... I didn't like what I saw.
I'm not saying if I catch you wearing real fur I'm going to pop up with a can of red paint and shower you with it, no. And I'm not saying wearing fur is right or wrong, but apparently no one's going to want to watch an animal being skinned... for what purpose? so people can look fashionable?
I just personally think people should be more educated on these sorts of things just because it can somehow change your perspective. I'm not saying you should change your views at all, I'm saying just be more open to things and show some compassion.