Friday, April 24, 2009

iigh deadass..

[GUYS] do not get offended.
i'm just sayingggggggggg, but...
Seriously, I have witnessed this MORE than once.
Why is it that guys talk like they're in love with you or something,
BUT they're constantly pushing you away by being a jerk?
That just don't make NO damn sense.
Like... dude, slow ya roll with the steroids and all that testosterone in you and stop being so arrogant and show some respect. Deadass. IT WILL GET YOU EVERYWHERE.
Honestly, I've seen this from a couple of dudes and truth is they CANNOT help it.
I don't know WHY they're so oblivious to everything.
It boggles my mind.
Like... I know I can't be that smart...but come on you can't be that stupid.
It could be the simplest thing and common sense would tell you WHAT TO DO, but they somehow manage to screw that up aswell. I don't get it..

Moving on.
Another thing... This one KILLS me.
Why OH why do they apologize for things that they continue to do?
Sooooooo fucking pointless. >_<
For example:
Guy: *punches you in the face.
Girl: 'WTF?'
Guy: 'Omg, sorry.'
.....*punches you again.
Girl: 'I thought you were sorry!?'
Guy: 'I'll never do it again, I swear!'
* Knocks you out cold*
See what I mean?
They contradict themselves so much and cant follow the simplest things.

iight, don't get me wrong if like.. the entire world is telling you your signifigant other is cheating on you and shit has been a little fishy lately.... then definitly. Take that into consideration.
BUT, if you and your partner are having relationship issues and you want advice from your 'boys' who probably know LESS than you do and probably wanna fuck your girl on the low, you can hear them out and their opinion..
But if apparently you are in love with this girl and you know they cannot feel what you feel and they gass you up talking bout ' Ma nigga There's mad other bitches fuck her, let HER hit you up.' KNOWING you fucked up.
And what kills me is that you foolish niggas listen to em!

"Most of our fears about what may happen in this relationship are really fears we experienced in past relationships, and have nothing to do with this person. Come to grips with what's real."

So very true.
Stop acting like the girl you fucking with now is your ex, she ISNT.
Get that through your head.
And that goes for females also.

"Never let a day go by without saying and showing how much your relationship and partner mean to you. Never take a moment for granted. Express how grateful you are for your good fortune, however meek or humble it may be. Appreciation and gratefulness have magic in them. It seems the more we express them, the more reasons we are given to say thank you"